“Hirosaki Tsugaru Nuri Project” with overall supervision and design by Toshiyuki Kita aims at re-introducing the traditional craftsman of Tsugaru Nuri with its long history into the global market, to create everyday household items for use in various modern lifestyles today.
During April 4th through the 9th 2017, at the famous Triennale di Milano, Tokyo Design Week organized exhibition “TDW Milano 2017”, in the JDW Hirosaki booth, tables, large cuisine plates and objets, items and tea caddy for Japanese tea ceremony, and a container in the shape of an apple called "HAPPY RINGO", all made by traditional Tsugaru Nuri artisans. Conscious of the global market needs, this exhibition will re-open up a new future for the ancient craftsmanship of Tsugaru Nuri tradition.
4,APRIL 2017 10:30-12:00
5-9,APRIL 2017 10:30-22:00
Viale Alemagna 6-20121 Milano
Hirosaki Tsugaru Nuri Corner

Photograph by Tom Vack