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​About copyright and information ownership

All information, logos, trademarks, videos, images, etc. provided on the Toshiyuki Kita official website are copyrighted by Toshiyuki Kita Design Institute Co., Ltd., the operator of the Toshiyuki Kita official website. The handling and use of these copyright protected materials is as follows.

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  2. In addition, regarding use for purposes other than 1., please apply in advance in writing to Toshiyuki Kita Design Institute Co., Ltd., the operator of Toshiyuki Kita's official website, and only after obtaining official permission, reuse or reproduction. , and can be redistributed. However, we cannot permit any use that may mislead others.

Use of the Toshiyuki Kita official website is at the customer's own risk. Please also note that the contents of this website are subject to change without notice. Toshiyuki Kita Design Institute Co., Ltd., the operator of Toshiyuki Kita's official website, is not responsible for any damage caused by the use of various information obtained from this website.

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